Closest nearest locations (in the line of sight Awamate):
Second-order administrative division: Wairoa District (6.125 m)
Stream: Wairoa River (7.282 m)
Populated place: Wairoa (2.808 m)
Section of populated place: North Clyde (4.858 m)
Airport: Wairoa Aerodrome (2.975 m)
Farm: Kiwi (3.292 m)
Farmstead: Braemere (0.000 m)
Hotel: Vista Motor Lodge Wairoa (4.901 m)
Railroad station: Hurumua (3.322 m)
Hill: Wairoa (3.336 m)
What is the geographical latitude and longitude and where is Awamate? Answered
Geographical latitude: SOUTH 39° 0' 29.63" (display in decimal number system -39.0082300)
Geographical longitude: EAST 177° 22' 12.79" (display in decimal number system 177.3702200)
0 meters
Population: 0
Digit terrain models:
Time zone: Pacific/Auckland.
Postal number:
Country: New Zealand NZ
Check gallery PICTURES Awamate pictures.
What is Awamate? Answered
Awamate is farmstead (spot, building, farm),
the buildings and adjacent service areas of a farm.
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