Closest nearest locations (in the line of sight Ewe Hill):
Historical first-order administrative division: Maniototo County (18.048 m)
Populated place: Patearoa (7.248 m)
Building(s): Patearoa Power Station (5.584 m)
Dam: Paerau Weir (9.512 m)
Farmstead: Fairview (3.684 m)
Hut: Big Hut (12.768 m)
Hill: Rocky Hill (8.711 m)
Mountain: Ewe Hill (0.613 m)
Point: Long Point (3.232 m)
Rock: Split Rock (13.565 m)
What is the geographical latitude and longitude and where is Ewe Hill? Answered
Geographical latitude: SOUTH 45° 19' 42.13" (display in decimal number system -45.3283700)
Geographical longitude: EAST 170° 1' 12.32" (display in decimal number system 170.0200900)
0 meters
Population: 0
Digit terrain models:
Time zone: Pacific/Auckland.
Ewe Hill
Postal number:
Country: New Zealand NZ
Check gallery PICTURES Ewe Hill pictures.
What is Ewe Hill? Answered
Ewe Hill is hill (mountain,hill,rock),
a rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m.
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