Springfield | Atalaya Waihi Beach | Greenwood Park Motels Richmond | Trentham | Mount Pleasant Farm | The Nightcaps | Quirky Woods Maketu | Soljans Estate Winery | Watts Road Queenstown | Clarkes Mound | Saddle Hill | Smith Creek Shelter | Upper Deception Hut | Kiwi Hosts Auckland | Aokaparangi Bivouac | Mangere Bridge SH20 | Sunshine Settlement | Mount Smart | Aquavilla B B Porirua | Mohua Motels Takaka | Hitide Bed Breakfast Whitianga | Mount Percy | Maraekakaho | My Mansion Hokitika | Mount Herbert | Mount Peter | Manuka Peak | Creel Lodge Turangi | Walnut Tree Cottage | Highview BnB Nelson
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Waituna West | Pacific View | Prophets Rock Wines
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