Rocky Knoll | Ballarat Hut | Opahi Station | Murchison | Waimate Aerodrome | The Lowlands | Trevoe | Mount Madeline | Merrybrook Studio Oamaru | Redcliff Bivouac | Marble Point | Glenfern | Country in Town Christchurch | Takitoa | Irongate Retreat Hastings Hawkes Bay | Mangahanea Marae | Stonyhurst | Young Hut | Craig Hut | Rosebury | Spylaw Hill | Te Iwirahirahi Point | Aoraki Alpine Chalet Mount Cook Village | Gowanbrae | Omapere | Mount Johnson | The Bush | Lake Hill | Ardneil Peak | Camp Hill
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Takapau | Waihi | Wattys Knob @ 2024
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