Rotopai | Norfolk Motel Campervan Park Awanui | Parsons | Glenalvon | Windy Peak | Gateway Gardens | Taraponui | Whitcombe Pass | Leithen Hill | Puketapu Historical Cemetery | Whitiwhiti | Al Der Rocs B B Kerikeri | Te Tikanga Marae | Aka Aka | High View | Point Erin | Marsden Wharf | Aohanga Hill | Upton Peak | Maungaraki | Lake Marian | Kowhai Flats | Kererutahi | Mangaotaki | Mount McLaren | Westfield | Falconer Rise by Touch of Spice Kawarau Falls | Oakland | Kaka Ridges | Mangawhai
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Willow Glen | Patoka | Upper Makaroro Hut @ 2025
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