Sandy Bay | Lake Tekapo | West Roylan | Pyke Saddle | Sunday Hill | The Stopper | Shorts Hill | Karangahape | Hazel Hills | Ranui | Orpheus Point | Mokai | Mount Eldon | Central Otago District | Amokura | Solitary Cone | Mangatoetoe Hut | Erewhon Park Ski Field | Cottenham | Tapanui | Waiuku Forest | Blue Mountain | Taitai | Mount McGloin | The Thorndon Hotel Wellington by Rydges Wellington | Landel Place Whitianga | Peria | Pine Valley | Sterns Saddle | Ngatapuaekiwi
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Tekapo 1929 Pioneer Cottage Lake Tekapo | Tangahoe | Milford Sound Airport @ 2025
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