The Ivory Epsom Auckland | Torran | Harbour Cone | Strathallan County | The Yurt Wai Rua Whangarei | Lessong Monument | Cloudy Hut | Mangawhata | Cliff top Holiday Home Nelson | Wetheral | Mahurangi | Martha Gold Mine | Poutu | Deans Bush Motel Christchurch | The Argoed Bed Breakfast Dunedin | Makomako | The Loft at Te Kumi Tirohanga Te Kuiti | Turakina South | Vinegar Hill Domain | Clutha District | Tufa | Motutangi | Castle Hill | Raoul Island Station | Ngaroimata Point | By the Bay Beachfront Apartments Mangonui | Parasol Hill | Papatotara | Patangata | Airedale St Cottage Auckland
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Ahirau | The Rogola | Mahiti @ 2025
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