Red Lakes | Te Kotiatia Point | Mount Cook | Rotonui | Mount Cook Village | Waipoto | Jobsons | Grandview | Battery Point | Alloway Lodge | Mount Beautiful | Papakirae | Omahuta | Matheson Magic Wanaka | Heartfelt Home Auckland | Mount Titiroa | Mount Adams | Mueller Hut | Jackson | Peppers Clearwater Resort Christchurch | Te Waha Point | Peats Hut | Henry Peak | Pipimea Head | Cooks Cairn | Blackwood Retreat Oneroa | Brown Dome | Barcelona Motel Taupo | Best Western Portmans Mtr Ldg | The Sanctuary Tasman
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Gables Lakefront Motel Taupo | Hiwi o Papakai | At The Rocks Motorlodge Napier @ 2025
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