Mount Crossley | Waingakia | Absolute Beach Mount Maunganui | Mount Priestley | Makiri | Waimakariri Falls Hut | Shafto Peak | Pouranga | Kokakoriki | Canterbury Court Motel | Mount Pleasant | Waikaka | Maraetai Beach | Sherwood | Bluff | Ups on Downs | Whirinaki | Richmond Hill | Waikaia Plains | Forestdale | Elmwood | Oilskin Pass | Poplar House New Plymouth | Fantail Mill Private Waterfront Retreat Russell Russell | The End Lounge B B Otorohanga | Christchurch Arts Centre | Bushmere | Upton Downs | Stratholm | Te Puke
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Lake Poaka | Greenvale | Prince of Wales @ 2024
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