Roaring Stag Lodge | Muhunoa East | Otupae | Te Iringa | Hautai Beach | Robson Lodge | Cameron Hut | Kohurau | Glenelg | Pakihau | Kaweka Hut | Glencairn | The Lakes | Kuripapango | Kiwi Saddle | Townson Tarn | Te Kowhai | Kiwi Saddle Hut | Rocky Point | Dianes Hut | Ruahine Hut | Tikorangi | Kohatunui | Whanawhana | Awapai | Magdalen Hut | Desolation | Whanawhana The Fort | Stratmore | Brook Lynne
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Beechbank | Bay of Islands | Puketotara Heights Te Awamutu @ 2025
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