Baystay B B | Houhou Point | The Godley Hotel Lake Tekapo | Pig Whare Saddle | Waldronville | Taitimu | Turton Saddle | Wohelo | Gloriavale Christian Church | Te Tahi | Ethne Saddle | Mackinnon Pass | Beverly Hills | Waiomu | Pickering Barn Stay Tamahere | Mangara | Whareroa | Mount Cloudsley | Alloway Lodge | Waitangihia | Kaikaikuri | The Lodge at Kauri Cliffs Matauri Bay | Alton | West Bluff | Ravenswood | Jasmine House Auckland | Gore | Oaonui | Pukehinau | Citheron
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Lake View | Brown Hill | Sign of the Bellbird @ 2025
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