Unsworth Heights | Turuturu | Whakatukorau | Turnbull River | Humphrey Farm | Traucly | Domett | Mission House | Totangi | Stone Store | Anama | Top Butler Hut | Mount Dobson Skifield | Empire Hotel Featherston | Tiroroa | Timber Yard Point | Threave | Waitomo Caves | The Victoria Hotel Dunedin Dunedin | The Retreat Taupo Taupo | Pikowai | The Lake Motel Taupo | Te Kura | Tawanui | Taorua | The Blue Pub Methven | Tamars Bed and Breakfast Tauranga | Parikawau Point | Ranana | Narawhia
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Rototuna | Tamars Bed and Breakfast Tauranga | Waharoa
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