Mangawhai Heads | Kaiiti Point | Station Hut | Eden Park Stadium | Waihoki Valley | Apex on Fenton Rotorua | Serenity Lodge Marahau | A and P Showgrounds | Lambton Quay Wellington | Waipoto | Telfords | Nelson Public Hospital | Tartarus Icefall | Cloudy Peak Range | Grants Lookout | Weka Hut | First Light Takaka | Piropiro Flats | Comfy Home Guest House Rotorua | Vulcan Glacier | Lake Omapere | The Haldons | Whangamata | Ardlui | No 1 Motels Cambridge | Riverbend Family Lodge Napier | Matairau | Nym Peak | Pass Peak | The Clyde Hotel Wairoa
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Mount Phillips | Pamapuria | Arthur House Christchurch @ 2025
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