Matua | Otanerito Bay | Whakamakarini | Coles Reserve | Shelf Glacier | Moturoa Wharf | Whakataratara | Conifer House Wellington | Pyramid | Alton | Wairoto | Bijleveld Col | Parkland Stud | Kingsgate Hotel Terraces | Airways Motel | Peraki Saddle | Omahu | Hukanui | Whangaruru North | Horoeka | Snowdon | Tormore | Twinlaw | Tauhara | The Perfect Spot Raetihi | Allegra House | Kashmir | Glenlee | Matakanui Downs | Saies
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Cottes Brook | Goat Knob | Mount Nihokohatu @ 2025
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