Patete | Bushy Park | Phillipstown | Opurua | Ongarue | Ormonds | Awapapa | Kai Iwi Beach | Te Anaputaiti Island | Baileys Hut | Braeburn | Devonport | Little Oak Haven Wanaka | Huntington House Tauranga | Racecourse Hotel and Motor Lodge Christchurch | Sweets Saddle | Ibon House Queenstown | West Arm Hut | The Butts | Mount Ajax | Gloriavale Airstrip | Gomez Island | Tihiroa | Manukau Harbour | Canton Bridge | Hotel St Clair Dunedin | Mangere Inlet | Tautuku Outdoor Education Centre | Seaward | Mount Fairfax
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Mount Horatio | Race Course Hill | The Butts @ 2024
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