Mangatoatoa Marae | Avonlea | The Lakes | Christian Hille | Tangitu | Waipapa | Macdonalds Peak | Greenvale | Rotorua Farm Stay Horohoro | Sand Hill Point | Country Villa Estate Ohoka | Peggioh | Pariokonohi Point | Auckland Domain | Tautoro | Tehepouto Point | Matangi | Motukeo | Dumgree | Pukeokahu | Brookside | Papakai | Dennistoun Peak | Panoramic Views Queenstown | Roseneath | Bare Hill | Mount Row | Culverden Downs | Te Tawa | Puketurua
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Mudflats Hut | Longlea Farm | Mueller Pass @ 2025
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