Mount Sibbald | Studio 33 Auckland | Round Hill | Telford Burn Bivouac | Waitarangi | Bay of Islands | Napier City | Jean Batten Peak | Maroro Bay | Ashhurst | Te Kohatu | Hukarere | Kauahei | Owhango | Taupo Events Centre | Mata Kopae | Ngaputahi | Takaputahi | Glanbeckoner | Victoria Wharf | Robindale | Pinewood | Denbeigh | Inangahua Junction | Bella Vista Gisborne Gisborne | Te Awa | Clarence Cottage Christchurch | Esplanade Motel and Apartments Dunedin | Mount Karetu | Pukiatua
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Stafford Ridge | Cheviot | Ellerslie Racecourse @ 2024
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