Gisborne | Glazebrook | Beanacres | Dicks Hill | Bossu | Waikawau | Breach Point | Ngakonui | The Friendly Family Bach in front of Lake Rotoma Rotoma | Omega | Tui Oaks Motel Taupo | Pokimeha | Shortland Court Motel Thames | Pohaaroa | Timpendean | Flanagans Summit | Puponga Point | Ridgeway | Academy Motor Inn | Wattslea | Kotaka | Blue Mountain | Waipuna | Matene | The Undertakers Backpackers Kumara | Mangatawhiri | Tutu | Ranui | Cluster Tarns | Miro
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Taraghur | Pegasus Peak | Coney Hill @ 2024
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