Wroxton | Seascape Bed Breakfast Paraparaumu | 23onAlbert Clyde | Takaka | Mangamaunu | Mount Vickers | Maud Pass | West Plaza Hotel Wellington | The Cliffs | Mary Peaks | Ashby Farm | Livingspace | Reena | Trevenna | Broadway Lodge Motel Stratford | Fitzroy Gem New Plymouth | Wharekekeno | Longacre | Econo Lodge City Central Auckland | Motunui Edwards Island | Naumai | Spark Lodge | Otematata Station | Doonayr | Flaxmere | Beetham Park Motel Hamilton | Strathconan | Whangape Lake | Treehouse spa escape Arthurs Point | Puketutu
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Beetham Park Motel Hamilton | Pavilion Motel Conference Centre Palmerston North | Maraenui
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