Matapana Cottage Palm Beach | North Peak | The Swamp | Quality Inn Napier | Waitakere Estate | Okari Cottage Cape Foulwind | The Royal Nelson | Kew | Burmeister Point | Pinedale | Cycle Trail Cottage Kaniere | Whangapoto Point | Lords River Head | Te Puru Holiday Park Thames | Shadow Basin Chair | Arawhata | Mount Park | Mackenzie District | Keiwaikawe | Rabbit Hill | O Wiwi Ku | Waiuku | Kaiwaka | Trig Hill | Matea | Mount Hay | Yurts at the Terraces Waiheke Island | Culverden Downs | Nancy Tass Saddle | Stantonbury
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Shattered Peak | Taitimu | Fraser Head @ 2025
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