Kirikopuni | Keltie | Mangamaire | Tohora | Comfort Inn Silverpoint | Southern New Zealand Holiday Home Small Town NZ Gore | Crayfish | Comfort Inn Newton 121 | Primrose Manor Palmerston North | Comfort Hotel Wellington | Mount Wales | College Peak | Cloverdale | Closeburn LakeView House Queenstown | Close to Home Manapouri Manapouri | Paringa Hill | Clayton | Pinnacle Rock | Clarke Pass | Young Hut | City Central Hotel | Williams Saddle | Rimariki Island | City center kiwi holiday house Rotorua | City and sea view at mission bay Auckland | Benhopai | Strathavon | Nihoniho | Citrus Cottage Napier | Grand Hotel Whangarei Whangarei
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Longdale | First Rugby match in new Zealand played on this spot now a cricket pitch | Tatare @ 2025
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