Tanoa Paihia | White Tank | Tionui | Puketehi | Ashfield | Timore | Monaco | Manuaitu | Upper Makaroro Hut | Ashbrook Motel Taupo | Cannington | Mount Pattisson | Peggioh | Mahanga Beach | Big Dam Hill | Westfield Junction | Ridgeburn | Maropea | The Mooring | Waikiekie | Innesdown | Mount Oho | Cottages On St Andrews Havelock North | Kaiapoi Monument | Houto | Pureora | Pine Lake View Lodge Kaiapoi | Glens of Tekoa | Terrace Dale | Franklins
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Gables Lakefront Motel Taupo | Hiwi o Papakai | East Hawdon Bivouac
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