Kea Motel Putaruru | Puketarata | Springdale | The Thumbs | Porangahau | Motungarara Island | Shadow Basin Chair | Mount Park | Verterburn Station | North Peak | Long Point | Quality Inn Napier | Alpine Country Motel Harihari | Opou Point | Queenstown Airport | Tiger Hill | Mount Palm | Ohope Beach Motel Ohope Beach | Chest Peak | Jugglers Rest Picton | Waitaki Braids Kurow | Mount Martin | Happy Valley | Mount Kitson | Alpine Glacier Motel | Dreaming in the world Paparoa | South Head | Chalet New Zermatt Queenstown | Kensington | Hunua Ranges Hunua
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Wairarapa Yacht Club | Mount Townsend | Delta @ 2025
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