Pohatuhaha | Colin Hill | Fells Hill | Clevelands | Burnt Island | Rugged Mount | Puketoetoe | Montys Saddle | Corralynn | Corleggy | Aspiring Lodge Motel Wanaka | Pakowhai | Paparangiora | Woody Point | Raglan | Governor Col | Wairuna Peak | Mount Hutton | Tararua | Te Rakauwhakamataku Point | Pegasus Peak | Style and comfort at Greenstone Queenstown | Mount Bruce | Tuakau | Mairehau | Pukemiro | Makarora Mountainview Makarora | Marua | Sunset Cottage Otematata | Te Kete
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Birchwood Lodge | Tarawera Heights Lake Okareka | Perrymead
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