The Rock | Raumai | Te Ari | Raihoa | Kerikeri | Berwen | Rangataua | Top Toaroha Hut | Pauariki | Maniaiti | Popuanui | Palmdale | Westhead | Whakapuni | Atea | Pudding Hill Recreation Farm | Glencree Luxury Chalets Kaikoura | Brucelands | Puke Range | New President | Boutique Hotel Warwick House | Kuharua | Flaxy Lake | Tarras | Richmond Saddle Hut | Apartment on Maunganui Road Tauranga | Tanawa Hut | Otao | Fairway | Crossbow Saddle
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Havelock Col | Bankside | Mount Isabel @ 2025
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