Kawa | Limmerick | Enfield Park | Veil Bivouac | Waiomatatini | Scroggs Hill | Wairau River | Tawaha | Mud House New Zealand | Cleughearn Peak | Coppermine Saddle | The Lighthouse Lookout Tutukaka | Glen Hays | Gisborne Point | East Peak | Cape Horn | Mataura Island | Glenkenich Manner | Mataura Lodge Athol Athol | Mataura | Musgrave Downs | Matahi | Mount Van Redan | Sunny Knob | Glenfield | Lakeside Lodge Lake Tekapo | Southern Lakes Spa Studio Queenstown | Ohinemaemae | Maungahuia | Coonoor
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First Rugby match in new Zealand played on this spot now a cricket pitch | Longdale | Smooth Cone
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