Te Huia | Pukerangiora Pa | Te Wanaka Lodge | Flat Hill | Mount Beautiful | Highland Saddle | Killin | Greenpark Sands | The Dome | Claremont | Waipapa | Raukokore | Glenarran | Waikari Hills | Mahoe | Waikowhai | Mount Peter | Riponui | La Casa Te Puru Lodge Thames | Hopetoun | Riverside Cottage | 1BR Princes Wharf Apartment with Fabulous Views Auckland | Matakanui Station | Kaukapakapa Hotel Auckland | Stronvar | Tekoe | Te Akaterewa | Opua | Takutai | Aroden B B
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Crossgates | The Crescent BnB Waihi Beach | Papamoa
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