Copthorne Rotorua | Whangaehu | Andersons Battery | Whitestar Express | Ngaihihiopoanga | Riverdale | Whiterock Mains | Kinross | Aqua Lodge Napier | Gladstone | Ngatamahine Point | Ben Lomond Bridge | Rugged Mountain | Tunurangi | Lake Taupo Motor Inn Taupo | Pongakawa | John Browns Grave | Ngahere | The Brow | Scratchback Hill | Glenlyon | Edendale | Alpenhorn Motel Te Anau | Tira ora | Woodside | Ara Institute of Canterbury | Unsworth Heights | Ferny Hill | Auckland | Waerenga
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Te Korau | The Bank Ophir Omakau | Mount Makariri @ 2025
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