Sunning Hill | Moonbeam Hut | Tironui | Mount Robert | Symonds Hill | Three Ridges | Alpine Serenity A Queenstown | Tiromoana | Heathcote Valley | Middle Hills | Ruru | Mount Koinga | Mount Daniel | Mystery Tarn | Tirohanga | Mangatai | Mount Tekoa | Maori Saddle | Temora | Tiriwa Point | Tiritiri Matangi Ferry Pier | Tiriraukawa | Tiri View Cottage Oneroa | Tiri Tiri | Tiraumea | Tiraha | Tira ora | Tipperary | Tipi and Bobs Waterfront Lodge Tryphena | Tipapa
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
First Rugby match in new Zealand played on this spot now a cricket pitch | Three Gables B B Whakamarama | Te Whetu @ 2025
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