Otamaroa | Three Brothers | Tewsley | Awatea | Craiglea | Ngaroimata Bay | Mount Rosamond | Mount Mistake | Cherrywood Cottage Takamatua | Mount Victoria | Quarantine Point | Mount Crescent | Kikiwa | Mount Sandford | Brian Boru | Riccarton Stud | Havelock North | Hikuwai Haven Albert Town | Portland Hotel | Aston Road Villa Bed Breakfast Waikanae | Glens of Tekoa | Rocky Dome | Kelvin Heights | Maihiihi | Kelvin | Wellbyrne | Cotons Cottage | Mount Windward | Little Bay | Balmoral Motel
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Gold Ridge Hotel | Red Lakes | Glens of Tekoa
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