Ngaruru | Ringway | Hinuera | Burnt Yards Hut | Moutere | Thames Coromandel District | Kaihinu | Lone Pine | Mount Manson | Urban Sanctuary in the City Centre Auckland | Historic Shearers Quarters B B Ruahine | At the stream Rotorua | Base Auckland | Gillespie Pass | Racecourse Backpackers Hostel | Alfredton Domain | Hagley park Holiday house Christchurch | Clyde Dam | Styx Glacier | Mockery Col | Burnetts Station | Kings Ride | Mount Technical | Collingwood | Vulcan | Whitehill | Boggy Saddle | Inn the Bay Bed Breakfast Kaikoura | Stony Creek | Oamaru Motor Lodge Oamaru
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Ocean Purring View Tutukaka | Cumbrae Farm | Little Cregan @ 2025
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