Greenvale | Motumatai | Ryde Farm | Lucas Bay | Park Dome | Kai Tarau | Omatua Girl Guide Camp | The Chalice | Outer Kaiti | Inverugie | Mount Anglem Hananui | Bobs Knob | Whitecomb | Opoutama | Beachfront Bach Paihia | 747 Motel Wellington | Auntsfield | Golden Fern Backpackers Turangi | MicroTel | North Esk Hut | Holdens Bay | Hauparu | Trevors Peak | Cren Lea | Kerikeri Wisteria Cottage Kerikeri | Squadron Rocks | Lake Beattie | Mount Gorden | Collier Apartments | Harvest Lodge Motel Havelock North
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Pacific Park Christian Holiday Camp Tauranga | Maungatapere | The Cone @ 2025
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