Hukanui | Jackie Hill | Lulworth | Rakaiwai | Makino Hut | Avonvale | Mount Lord | Berwen | Portside Hotel Heritage Collection Gisborne | Cardrona Valley Lodge Cardrona | Komapara | Marina Quarters 105B Queenstown | Downie | Durham Court Motor Inn Tauranga | Homeward | Tipitai Point | Pukearuhe | Deadwood | Patea | Patea Banks | Patea River | Patea County | Lake Taupo Hole in One Challenge | Waiorore | Dunshaughlin | The Doughboy | Maimai | Retro on Ure Oamaru | Distinction Luxmore Lake Te Anau | Te Raina
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Patea | Otahuhu | Muriwai Beach @ 2025
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