Craigforth | Rangiwahia | Muirs Reef | Ilfracombe | Rangi Taipo | Pauri Bank | Ness Croft | Willowdale | Castor Bay | The Elms | Rydges Rotorua | Waiariki Institute of Technology | MOUNT ROSKILL | Whakatane West Station | Whakarua | Te Rakauwhakamataku Point | Whakareora | Tangoio | Whakapunaki | Whakapunake | Whakapono | Whakange | Clendon House circa 1860 Historical | Whakamoehau | Whakamarumaru | Whakamarama | Whakakoro | Whakaki | Waihirere | Whakakaiwhara Point
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Ardlui | Pahiatua | Mount Eglinton @ 2025
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