Ngatimamoe Peak | Halfway Saddle | Mount Lancelot | Mount Plaisted | Koutuwai Point | Parera | Karori | Taumataokaretu | Campbell Range | Lords River Head | Riverside Haven Lodge Holiday Park Oamaru | Pinedale | Waitakere Estate | The Royal Nelson | Piripiri | Whangapoto Point | Waiuku | Dasler Pinnacles | Te Apiti | Prairies Grange Cambridge | Burmeister Point | Riverlea | The Oaks | Pakira | Pohatu Pukitea | Inmans Redoubt | Montrose | Mount Jeanette | Mount Citheron | Aranui
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Waiuku | Orari River | Orere Point Rangipakihi @ 2025
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