Gentle Annie | Karaka Tree Motel Taupo | Plateau | Te Kapu | Kaeo | Blake Lodge | Iona | Kawa | Oreore | Peggioh | Kyeburn Diggings | German Hill | Split Apple Rock | Kohiwai | Dunmore | Waibrae | Tomoana | Mount Troup | Mount Saul | Gillespie Pass | Opepe | Abseil Inn Waitomo Caves Village | Gladwyn | Retro with a view Wanaka | Farrar Glacier | Glassworks Industry Park | Eden Gardens Motel | Riverside | Glen Bay | Mount Frieda
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Walnut Grove Lodge Christchurch | Koherekereke | Otangaroa @ 2025
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