Donegal Saddle | Mount Piri | Helensburgh | Raihoa | Rawhia | Te Raina | Whakatane | Mount Overlook | Mahina Cottage Twizel | Maitahi | Kaitieke | The Barn Backpackers Marahau | Motupipi | Mount Albert | Kimi Ora Health Spa Resort | Mariners Peak | Moneymore | Wadi Nimrin | Mechanics Bay | Ngawaro | Marshland | Lendenfeld Peak | Tatare | Pakiri | Avonhead Garden Motel Christchurch | Musick Point | Te Awaroa | Junction Hill | Kyalla Downs | Kiakia
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Taylor Pass | First Rugby match in new Zealand played on this spot now a cricket pitch | Rewa @ 2025
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