Northern most Point | Tuhingamata | Mount Bates | Artemis Peak | Summerland Auckland | Gisborne King Room Gisborne | The Meadows | Tuputupungahau Island | BigSky Motels Omarama | Castle Hill | Purple Der House Accommodation | Havelock Garden Motel Havelock | Lake Christabel Hut | Mount Clara | Mount Evans | Frozen Hill | Riccarton Village Inn | Opononi Hotel Opononi | The Wattles | Sea renity Kaikoura | Rotorua Motel Rotorua | Thornicroft Station | Comfort Inn Burwood | Whaikere Lodge Opua | Man O War Vineyards | Turner Peak | Mount Eldon | Scott Point | Mount Heale | Pauaohinekotau Head
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Hillside | Paremata | Cheviot Downs @ 2025
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