Pauatahanui | Sutherland | Putaruru Hotel Putaruru | Mataura Island | Willowlea Farm | Te Mata | Waiau Ferry Bridge | Limehills | Bryndwr | Somerton | Lake Wanaka Lodge | Ramshead Hut | Cable Bay | Mount Barnicoat | Wellington Mine | Mangapapapa | Old Man | Jamieson Bay Retreat Mahurangi | Pakawau | Raihoa | Mitre Peak | Gleneyre | Tinopai | The Twins | Hawkeswood | Notman Peak | Coombe Hay | Whitehall | Blytheburn | Ruatuna
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Kopaatuaki | Totara Hills | Bel Lago Queenstown @ 2025
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