Evans Peak | Mount Hercules | Tutiri in Oneroa Oneroa | Lowry Peaks | Hapairangi | Rydges Rotorua | Poroti | Aorere | Feilding Motel Feilding | Huntly | Halfway Peak | Waiotahi Marae | Mount Learmont | The Ant hill | Tunupu | Manaia | Wararoro | Wrights Bush | The Godley Hotel Lake Tekapo | Te Tua | Mount Edelweiss | Kanuka Hills | Diamond Hill | The Tent Havelock North | Argent Motor Lodge Hamilton | Lindis Crossing | Trent Saddle | Wairuna Bush | Marion Tower | Mackay Rocks
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Ranui Heights | Jasmine House Auckland | Mount Hercules
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