Arikirau | Pukeatua | Waimoana | Te Whare Runanga | Astronomer Point | The Krook Wanaka | Puketutu | Champion Smelter | Kakapo Lodge Hanmer Springs | Matakowhai Point | The Cabin Nelson | Pukekaroro | Pinnacle | Amisfield Bistro and Cellar Door | Mount Philistine | Garden Inn Airport | Puketawa | Glendale | Haukopua Reserve | McNicol homestead | William Fraser Memorial Park | Marcaciones Point | Pohowaitai Island | East Head | Lower Island Hill | Mangatiti | Flagstaff | Mount Mason | Castle Hill | Fox Glacier Hotel
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Mangawehi | 16th Valley Stream | Langskaill @ 2025
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