Sale Street Loft Auckland | 35 Tuscan Lane Martinborough | Close to Picton Town Picton | Te Kauwhata | Elmina | Glendene | Bryan Hill | Tavistock | Cheviot Downs | Seabreeze Holiday Park Whitianga | Maungarahi | Takakuri | Te Whetumatarau Point | Motungarara Island | Climax Glacier | Roto Farm Settlement | Whitianga Aerodrome | Trevan Downs | Aratapu | Wairoto | Rangataua | River Valley Lodge Taihape | Te Whakamaharatanga Marae | Main Wharf | Opaki | Cathedral cove and Sunrise Hahei | Mount Gideon | Aurora Point | Willis Wellington Hotel Wellington | Wyuna
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Supper Cove Hut | The York Apartments Hamilton | Wharerata @ 2024
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