Manea Villa Palm Beach | Tiro Moana | Waiharakeke | Trigham | Shelter Point | Grenada Village | Amuri Skifield | Matata | Chatham | Roma | Quality Inn Hurleys | Lake Sumner Hut | Te Rahui | Alton | Achray | Big Hill | The Pheasant Plucker in the Bush Tavern | Te Mata Domain | Ohinepaka | Puketotara | Tasman Lake | Craigieburn | Wairere | Paraparaumu Beach | Te Ramanuiapakura | Otanerito Bay | Colonial Village Motel Queenstown | AgResearch | Kowai River | Riverstone House Geraldine Downs
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Upper Makaroro Hut | Ratana | Rocky Gill @ 2025
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