Kererurukaipo | Banner Downs | Mount Attica | Mount Alaska | Aka Aka | The Steyning | Sinbad Gully | Mount Freeth | Marconi Hill | Mount Wilmur | Terrace View | Alston Downs | Maungaemieme | Herbertville | Parsons Rock | Terako Downs | Aotearoa Pa | Wheki Valley | Nervous Knob | Kohirikiriki | Ruahine Hut | Rewa | Leithen Glen | Kowhai Downs | Mount Broome | Kakara Park | Cascade Peak | Whangaparaoa | The Onlooker | Lloyds Hill
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Opoiti | Millmore Downs | Burra Burra @ 2025
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