Patutu | Mount Sefton | Dunn Saddle | Prince of Wales | Burns Point | The Pines | Separation Point | Ellstone | Stardome Observatory | Kenana | Sainsburys Huts | Newly renovated apartment in the heart of the city Auckland | Oakdale Holdings | QV Refine and Central apartment Auckland | Maungamangero | Gordons Valley | Totaranui | Homeward | Clare Peak | Pukekohe | Rangiatea | Rawhiti Backpackers Geraldine | The Throne | One Bedroom Apartment on Queen Street Auckland | Pukehokio | Elgin | Cosy and Quite Serviced Apartment Auckland | Crossliegh | Tongariro National Park | Te Ngaio Point
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Wiltsdown | Radfords Motel | Tihiotonga @ 2025
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