Stay Onetangi Auckland | Newton Lodge Auckland | The Cosy Hive Tauranga | Platinum Lodge Stratford | Kingsgate Hotel Hamilton | Tamars Bed and Breakfast Tauranga | Boultbee Island Landing | Tangitupara | 404 on Trafalgar Nelson | Taupo Urban Retreat Taupo | Pinedale Cottage Putaruru | Redoubt Retreat Cambridge | Golden Springs | Pukeakura | National War Memorial | Toatoa | Quest On Lambton Serviced Apartments Wellington | Comfort Inn Gwendoline | Les Troups Apartments | Pekatahi Station | Tarahiki Island Shag Island | Kaikanohi | Awapuna | Whidbey Point | Paraparaumu | Quest Palmerston North | Woodside | Lincoln Hill | Cambridge | Ngahiwi
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Twin Bridges | Drakes Hill | Ohaupo @ 2025
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