Karodale | Akaroa Waterfront Apartment Akaroa | Ben McLeod | Serenity Heights Queenstown | Te Matai | Incline Cottage Upper Hutt | Blackstone Hill Homestead | Airport Harbour View Motel Auckland | Ashvenmore | Lackwood | Innesvail | Mount Cotton | Hobbiton Movie Set | Ohiwai | The Warren | Hunua Larger groups Hunua | Eyrewell | Knapdale | Puhirua | Eastcott | Hells Gate | Normanvale | Karitane | Danby Hill | Ruatoria | Linkwater Motel and Backpackers Mahakipawa | Wai Weta | Karihuna | Precipice Hill | Tamahere Guest House Tamahere
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Skull Bay | Innesvail | Glen Aros Country Estate
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