Mount Nichols | Strath Isle | Derry Downs | Mount Kurow | Judgeford | Rose Island | Triplex Hut | Mackenzie Pass | Tommy Point | Bellbird Motels Picton | Mount Domet | Tipitai Point | Quality Inn West End | Little Castle | Timaru Port | Tree Heart Lodge Hunua | Wattle Park | Joes Saddle | New President | Tiroa | Peace and Plenty Inn Auckland | Nga Punawai | Hope Col | Quest Highbrook Auckland | Bald | Te Mahia | Empire Hotel Stratford | Ambleside | The Shed on Tara Mangawhai | Noisy Bivouac
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Mount Annette | Hinerua Hut | Tree Heart Lodge Hunua @ 2025
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