Taieri Beach | Happy Daze Hut | Devils Elbow | Omoeroa Hill | Mount Joffre | Mygoal Lodge | Rakaia Gorge | Manaia | Te Haehaenga | White Island | Te Aratipi | Motuoapa Bay Holiday Park Turangi | Matagouri | The Green Gecko Ashburton | Ahipara Pine Ahipara | Glasgow Wharf | Waiwhare | South Head | Puketutu | Park Travellers Lodge | Metroport Auckland | Cape Turnagain | Garston | Gabriel Hut | Waterfall | Wharepu | Thistletop | Paiaka | Hummock | Nathans Bridge
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Te Whetu | Ohariu | The Meadows
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