Bell Hill | Matamata County | The Lodges Queenstown | Barbs Place Waipara | Lake Manuwai | Mapua Wharf Accommodation Nelson | Coronet Peak | Cuba Penthouse Wellington Wellington | Tekaritu Point | Five Mile | Kawerau | Kandahar | Easterbo | Dog Box Bivouac | Pohara Beach TOP 10 Holiday Park Pohara | Mitre Peak | Sergeants Hill | Island Bay | Te Oka | Grasmere | Ibis Styles Auckland | Whatarangi | Frozen Hill | Valley View | Orari B B | Stagby Farm | Kirtle Burn Hut | Mount Whataroa | Pyramid Valley | Clover Nook
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The Park Hotel Ruapehu | First Rugby match in new Zealand played on this spot now a cricket pitch | Waihora @ 2025
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